Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sexual harassmen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sexual harassmen - Essay Example The most common means of reprimanding employees found to be complicit in sexual harassment in the workplace are termination of employment, a verbal/written reprimand and a mandated apology. It has been found that employees of a company or organization that tend to lean towards harsher punishments for sexual harassment feel the company takes the problem seriously. This establishes a relationship of trust between employees and management that can create an atmosphere that discourages sexual harassment (Nelson, 2007). Organizations that avoid firing, reprimanding and mandating apologies risk alienating employees. Sexual harassment claims will be less likely to be made because of the perception that nothing will be done or it will be swept under the carpet by some sort of secret deal. Perceptions among employees that sexual harassment is tolerated as a result of the established organizational culture, combined with a that witnesses the harassment’s political beliefs can discourage reporting of observed sexual harassment (Benavides, 2010). Considering that the NRA is a pro-business lobbying group, the current president needs to take the probable political affiliations of employees as a consideration when considering changes to the sexual harassment policy at the NRA. Also of importance in this incident is how the current president of the NRA reviews the existing sexual harassment policy. This is important because individuals outside of the organization tend to judge the organization being accused of providing an unsafe work environment more harshly if they are not playing by their own rules. If there is a sexual harassment policy that had been violated, or if there is no sexual harassment policy at all, jurors tend to award the plaintiff more monetary damages (Cass, 2010). The lesson that needs to be learned from this finding that can be applied to the current situation is this: the public and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hardest Victory Essay Example for Free

Hardest Victory Essay It is well known that man’s every desire comes forth, not from the mind, but from the core of his heart. It is this very heart that compels him to seek and fulfill those desires; be it moral or immoral in nature. From day one, man has sought to accomplish every single want that finds its way into his heart and he seldom offers any resistance against these. He may be all powerful and mighty when it comes to his daily hurdles but his weakness is evident in the fact that he cannot control and conquer the spirit in him that unceasingly demands more and more; the spirit against which, obtaining victory is nearly impossible. This is exactly the message Aristotle, through philosophical knowledge, has made an attempt to convey, to not only you or me but to all of us; a message stating, that the hardest victory is victory over the self. Indeed, Aristotle was right when he spoke about victory over one’s self being the hardest to obtain. Very often, it so happens, that despite the attempts made, one is unable to understand himself. He is left with no clue about who he is, where he is and most importantly, what he wants in life. This has resulted in him being uncertain and doubtful about his basic needs and so called luxuries. He is blinded by passions that may or may not be in his capability to achieve. But he is unaware that in his attempts to achieve these passions at any cost, he is loosing a battle against his greedy spirit; what he doesn’t know is that he has given himself to materialistic elements – elements that will only pull him down, making it harder for him to ‘breathe’ and live with ease – it will only make it more difficult for him to conquer that spirit, that big hurdle, that comes in his way to being truly victorious; a sight which is not all that common in the generation of today; because this present generation is a goal oriented and career driven kind that has given rise to numerous problems and various dilemmas due to its striving nature. At this point of time, it would only be right to say, that in order to be a true winner, man has got to learn that there is only one war to be fought; it is this war that determines the result of his success. This war is not symbolically a political or religious one, but signifies one that is personal and within one’s self. One must realize that in order to achieve success, it is necessary to surmount and do away with the desires of his mortal heart. Only then is he capable of acquiring the victory that was, is and will forever be the dream of scores of people who have come and are to come into this world. To conclude and leave you pondering, it would be best to impart to you a statement I happen to recall, a statement made by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu; a statement that goes like this He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Change in business world today

Change in business world today 1.0 Introduction Globalization, competitive pressure, and quest for productivity have been a major driver for change in business world today. Activities of people in the business world have led to different problems and interests within business cycle. Many companies used Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a framework to consider the interest of all stakeholders in the business environment. CSR contribution of many businesses can be viewed with different meaning and culture, in the United State is like charity model but in the EU member states, it is part of core business activities in a socially responsible manner for companies operating within Europe. United Kingdom (UK) governments policy on CSR was as a means to crack down on irresponsible business behaviours and to raise contribution of companies toward CSR above minimum legal standards. Many multinational companies operating in Europe make special annual CSR reports; companies like Tesco and Marks Spencer but some companies like Lidl do not account for it. Companies that make provisions for CSR pay serious attention to it and even compete with each other to show their contribution towards CSR, in order to display their commitment as responsible companies. They make sure that CSR is the pivotal point for their core business activities, which serve as a centre message to outside world. Moreover, their CSR capture the interest of all stakeholders (stakeholders- shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, pressure groups, and government) as appropriate. There is general controversy on CSR to be part of core activities of any organisation by leading scholars like British Economist David Henderson. Many multinational companies were seriously criticised with their CSR policy as an avenue for increasing profitability in long run. There are two sides to these arguments on CSR; the argument against CSR was that it is a new way of deceiving and exploiting people while the argument in favour of CSR was that it is a best way for a responsible company to give back to the society where it operates. Another problem associated with CSR campaigners like Friends of the Earth is that those who make effort to publish their CSR contribution annually (like Tesco) was not free of criticism like those who does not publish anything on CSR (like ISS UK). This raises major question in the mind of people; is there any acceptable threshold in place to determine companies contribution on CSR? It is very difficult for most of these multinational companies to convince public that their CSR contribution is solely for sustainable development without marketing motive behind it. However, the CSR contribution provides by ISS UK may have different motives attached to it base on implementation. Some of the CSR contributions of ISS UK can be viewed as a marketing tool because it create more marketing promotion for the company than the benefits derived from it by the beneficiaries. For example, ISS UK boldly prints their name on any goods given out either as charity or to their staff. The benefits that the company derive from this action in term of recognition and brand image outweigh its benefits to the recipients. Moreover, the company have moved far to convince the public about its CSR contribution as a pure sustainable development programme by joining Business in the Community (BITC) a leading responsible business organisation. 1.1 Aims The dissertation will critically evaluate the position of academic scholars regarding CSR contributions and the various reputation ratings, and outline different meanings attached to sustainable development. Moreover, it will examine the statistical relationship between CSR contributions and profitability of ISS UK. In addition, the dissertation will evaluate whether CSR is for marketing purposes or whether it is supportive of the strategy the organisation is taking towards sustainable development. The recommendations from the research study will be available to ISS UK, Department of Trade Investment, other governmental agencies with an interest, and to other institutions that need it for further research. 1.2 Objectives The following objectives will be undertaken: 1.2.1 To critically review literature on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development 1.2.2 To examine the reputations rating in place, for companies based on their CSR contribution 1.2.3 To determine if there is statistical relationship between CSR contribution of ISS UK and their profitability 1.2.4 To anticipate if there is any appropriate percentage of ISSs pre-tax profits to be spent toward CSR 1.2.5 To critically evaluate if CSR contribution is more important for public limited company than private company 1.2.6 To make recommendations to ISS UK, the Department of Trade Investment, other governmental agencies with an interest, and to other institutions that need it for further research Bibliography: Baker, Mallen. â€Å"Corporate and Social Responsibility: What does it mean?† Retrieved from accessed on 20 October 09 Gunther, M (2003) Corporate Responsibility, Fortune Magazine. Retrieved from accessed on 23 October 09 Orlitzky, Marc, Frank L. Schmidt, Sara L. Rynes (2003) â€Å"Corporate Social and Financial Performance: A meta-analysis† Organization Studies (London: SAGE Publications), 24, 2003. Retrieved from accessed on 22 October 09 Williams, C.A and Aguilera, R.V (2008) â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility in a Comparative Perspective† in Crane A, (PDF). The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Philosophy of Education :: Teaching Education Essays

My Philosophy of Education There are many ways to educate, express or unveil knowledge to a student. The student’s education greatly depends on the educator’s philosophy of education. This ideological viewpoint appears to be the one true constant that could be a detrimental development influence in the classroom, no matter what curriculum is designed for the student. The students of today possess distinct and different qualities and beliefs that educators are now realizing and learning to adapt to in the classroom. If educators cannot get beyond the boundaries of social class, religion, race, creed, gender, sex, disability or cultural background, then our focus has turned too heavily upon differences and the labeling of students as special needs or underachiever, thus forming harsh pre-expectations toward students in the classroom. In my school environment everyone will be treated on an equal playing field. This atmosphere between student and teacher will enable the education process to direct itself in a positive manner sufficiently reaching the overall goal, which is knowledge through personal achievement and reason enlightenment. As an educator, I realize that my philosophy of education is portrayed not only in my actions within the classroom, but also in my overall character as an individual. I must, therefore, reflect a positive attitude in the classroom focusing on the importance of humanity, multiculturalism and the teaching of the Language Arts. Every student has the individual right to an education and it is my duty to insure that each student has the opportunity to exercise his or her educational rights in my classroom. As an educator, I must be on the cutting edge of new technology and teaching methods, so I may be prepared to offer my students a broad spectrum of learning related to their global env ironment. Learning is an infinite process, which I as an educator must acknowledge and portray in my classroom. I hope to help develop and form camaraderie in my classroom, which will create relationships of honesty and integrity with my students, giving them an inviting avenue of communication with me and with their peers. More importantly, my classroom will offer my student’s a learning sanctuary, which will provide them an environment to expand their knowledge and understand the world and themselves.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Individual WileyPlus Exercises Essay

1. Brief Exercise BE1-7. Indicate which statement you would examine to find each of the following items: income statement, balance sheet, retained earnings statement, or statement of cash flows. 2. Brief Exercise BE1-8. Use the basic accounting equation to answer these questions. (a) The liabilities of Cummings Company are $90,000 and the stockholders’ equity is $230,000. What is the amount of Cummings Company’s total assets? (b) The total assets of Haldeman Company are $170,000 and its stockholders’ equity is $90,000. What is the amount of its total liabilities? (c) The total assets of Dain Co. are $800,000 and its liabilities are equal to one-fourth of its total assets. What is the amount of Dain Co.’s stockholders’ equity? 3. Brief Exercise BE1-9. At the beginning of the year, Fuqua Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $500,000. (a) If total assets increased $150,000 during the year and total liabilities decreased $80,000, what is the amount of stockholders’ equity at the end of the year? (b) During the year, total liabilities increased $100,000 and stockholders’ equity decreased $70,000. What is the amount of total assets at the end of the year. (c) If total assets decreased $90,000 and stockholders’ equity increased

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Culture and Gender

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adheres to strict Koran laws. Among them is the veiling of women, structuring of their work and lives away from men, and driving (Wikipedia, 2007). Though education in the West is slowly changing this, it is not in any way translated to policy changes or reforms (Bradley, 2006). We aim to ink a deal with the Saudi government for the setting-up of a supermarket chain. To be successful, the negotiators must show respect to the country’s laws and norms. The Saudi government- through the religious police- is the primary proponent and advocate of strict laws and norms pertaining to women hence they should be dealt with sensitively. I choose the budding male executive over the veteran female to head the team. In the country, women are not expected to work in positions which allow them to interact with men. Sending a woman as head of the negotiating team would be an insult to the Saudis with their deeply-entrenched conservative values. Should the CEO insist on sending her, I will ensure that she will not be the front liner. She will still head the negotiations but the spokesman will be the male executive. She will still make the decision but through the latter. My decision will send a message to within and outside the company that we are serious in our business transactions.   It is by complying with the norms and laws of wherever you do business which wins deals. As a leader, it will show my flexibility in matters not wholly congruent to traditional norms of conducting business. Part II- Power Corruption Cycle Power Corruption Cycle is an organizational phenomena characterized by the use of rank to intimidate or bribe the lower-echelons to allow an illegitimate or corrupt practice to happen and/or continue. When the latter become managers or executives themselves, they apply the same corrupt practices which also influence those with lower positions. This cycle- if uninterrupted by new management- would go on and on. It poisons an organization in that the quality of service/s and/or products will be compromised which will eventually lead to its downfall. An example is on the awarding of contracts to bidders in government projects. The members of the bids and awards committee are all corrupt and have a mutual understanding of granting the contract not to the one which offers the premium bid but to the one who can offer the largest kickback. A young, newly-hired assistant to the committee intends to follow stated rules in bidding but soon finds out about the â€Å"unwritten rules†. He is co-opted and fits permanently into the organization. The people- recipients of developmental projects- suffer through sub-standard infrastructure and incoherent development projects and services. This leads to mistrust and enmity towards the government which will create a longing in society to reform, if not replace the government in power and/or the system. ReferenceBradley, J. (2006). Saudi Arabia exposed: Inside a kingdom in crisis. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. 2007. Islam in Saudi Arabia. Retrieved Feb. 13, 2008, from    Â